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  • Writer's pictureValentina Willats

Exercise As Medicine: Type 2 Diabetes

More than 4.9 million people in the UK have diabetes, with a further 13.6 million now at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes ( ). How can exercise help to prevent or be used as part of a successful diabetes management plan?

What is type 2 diabetes?

Insulin is needed to allow sugars to leave your blood and enter the muscle and fat cells that the body uses as storage. For some people this body tissues are not sensitive enough to insulin, meaning sugars remain in the blood. This leads to high blood sugar levels, one of the main characteristics of diabetes.

How can exercise help?

Regular physical activity will help to control blood sugar levels and manage your weight. As exercise helps muscle and fat cells remove sugar from your blood it allows your body to respond better to insulin. In some cases regular exercise can reduce your need for medicine (under supervision of a medical professional). Approximately 80% of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese, exercise and losing weight through exercise is an important part of controlling blood sugar levels. As exercise improves the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin it can prevent type 2 diabetes from developing. In addition it decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

How much exercise do I need?

Evidence suggests that muscle strengthening and aerobic exercise will help, so aim to get involved in both types. Try to chose types of exercise that you enjoy, gradually increasing the amount and intensity over time. A great goal to start with is to work up to 150 minutes each week of brisk walking. The most health benefit is achieved by individuals who are inactive moving to a moderately active routine.


  • Talk to your doctor or specialist before you start a new exercise programme and discuss any concerns you may have.

  • Take any medication you have been prescribed.

  • Get advice from an Exercise Referral specialist on how to safely start exercising.

  • Invite others to join you! It makes exercise more fun and the more support you have the more likely you are to stick with your programme.

  • Most importantly; no matter your weight or weight loss, regular exercise will improve your health.

For more information go to

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