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  • Writer's pictureValentina Willats

Food Supplements - Should I take them?

There are a huge number of dietary supplements on the market, from supermarket low budget multivitamins to celebrity endorsed 'elite' products. Do the actually help, or is it all just hype?

Ideally we should be able to get all the nutrients our bodies need from eating a varied diet. There are, however, a number of factors which suggest that adding a good quality supplement to a healthy diet can contribute to a better quality of life and reduced risk of disease. Here are 6 reasons why you might find taking one beneficial.


This describes a state where bacteria in the gut have become unbalanced. A good balance of bacteria is essential for many of the digestive processes, including the digestion and proper use of nutrients. Dysbiosis can be caused by excessive sugar intake, taking antibiotics, eating a diet with a large proportion of processed foods and stress.


This is a condition where the stomach does not produce enough hydrochloric acid (HCL). Correct levels of HCL are needed to break down foods and absorb nutrients at the correct stage of the digestive process. Factors such as medications, age and stress can contribute to this problem.

Gluten Intake

More and more people are becoming allergic or intolerant to gluten. It is found in a number of grains including wheat, rye and barley. Even for individuals who have not been diagnosed as intolerant, studies have shown that gluten has an abrasive effect on the structures of the digestive tract. Foods containing gluten can cause or contribute to nutritional imbalances and gut inflammation by aggravating or damaging intestinal walls and lining. This damage then prevents the body from effectively absorbing nutrients.

Environmental Factors

Modern farming methods, pesticide use, air and water pollution all have a negative impact on the amount of nutrients available in our food to start with, and our ability to absorb what is there.

Disease & Infections

An estimated 15 million people in the UK live with a chronic health condition. Many of them (e.g. IBD, Coeliac, Crohn's) are a contributing factor when it comes to the poor absorption or digestion of foods.

Modern Lifestyle

Many today feel like they just do not have the time to cook from fresh, so rely on ready meals or wording in. Convenience foods and takeouts tend to be highly processed and have lost much of their nutritional value. Add to that a 'eat at your desk' or TV dinner culture and the body is left struggling to properly digest and absorb nutrients.

A healthy balanced diet is an essential foundation of good health- no supplement can replace that. As hard as we might try to get everything we need from food, many studies have shown that our food sources are much less nutrient dense than 100 years ago. Good quality food supplements can help to offset this deficiency and contribute towards a healthy lifestyle.

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